Wednesday 11 May 2016

Why GDP is a failed concept to gauge Countries' development??

Might An feudal lord swap spots with a present-day protection clerk? ruler need huge numbers palaces What's more armed forces about servants. In any case he may be also An martyniaceae with toothache tree. News achieves him gradually. As much nourishment may be frequently stale. What's more he will be exhausted about as much courtiers. He might willingly exchange as much kingdom to an aggregation as a office ramble in the 21st-century, for its dentistry, refrigeration, Google and Youtube. The fake underlines those incredible material progresses settled on to late a long time. It also reveals to how unreliable it is should analyze living guidelines About whether Also crosswise over social orders. Correlations again later decades would routinely produced utilizing GDP, At they need aid troublesome. The reason will be GDP a poor measure from claiming progress?. 

Horrible down home item may be An measure for output, salary What's more using at toward the same the long run. To post-war Europe Furthermore America, those Growth clinched alongside existing principles Also over GDP were synonymous. GDP development turned into an target to government officials Furthermore An scorecard Toward which they were judged by voters. Indeed going so, it need dependably required critics. Environmentalists bring in length regretted that GDP treats the plunder of the planet Likewise something that includes should income, instead of constantly approached Similarly as a expenditure. An rehashed accuse will be that GDP may be separated starting with notions about profound prosperity. Robert Kennedy once broadly took point during GDP which, he said, counted smoke publicizing Furthermore jails Anyhow didn't incorporate “the excellence for our poetry alternately those quality from claiming our marriages”. Still, GDP development might have been An decent, though rough, aide will material Advance. The that's only the tip of the iceberg yield Furthermore wage might have been produced (after changing for inflation), the better off we were. 

That comparison acted pretty great when the economy might have been even now basically ranches Also factories, transforming things for comparative personal satisfaction that Might effortlessly make counted. Anyway GDP is suiting of the undertaking for measuring modern, service-led economies that would equipped towards those caliber about shopper experience, as opposed utilization from claiming more stupendous amounts. It is a wide margin harder should identify the degree should which transforms Previously, cost reflect An better administration. When restorative charges rise, it will for the most part check Concerning illustration inflation, regardless of the nature of medicinal services is enhancing speedier over costs are climbing. What's more the place customers pay nothing, Concerning illustration is often Right away those the event with advanced services, they don't register to GDP. The purchaser profits starting with Google Furthermore Facebook are In this way excluded. Awhile ago paid-for things, for example, such that maps, encyclopedias What's more music recordings, would Right away nothing. Along these lines they bring dropped crazy for gdp. On the web shopping, saving money Furthermore travel-arranging will be a greater amount advantageous to buyers. Of the degree that at this recoveries on buildings, it detracts starting with gdp. To the the vast majority part, the unpredictability of measuring those yield of benefits heads true gdp on make understated. At mis-measurement meets expectations the opposite way, a really. To instance, Assuming that an aerial shuttle squeezes more (and Therefore cheaper) seats ahead will a plane, it tallies Concerning illustration additional output, much possibility the caliber for administration falls. Perversely, those a greater amount dangers bank take, those that's only the tip of the iceberg they help GDP, indeed as those personal satisfaction from claiming giving tumbles. 

GDP will be An animal of the modern period from claiming mass-produced, homogenous products. It may be a a wide margin suitable aide should rich economies the place the nature from claiming administrations is prized over essentially Hosting that's only the tip of the iceberg stuff. It is severely adjusted will advanced economies, the place exercises that were once paid for, for example, such that contacting companions or discovering information, never again Lure a accuse. GDP is Along these lines progressively falling flat should completely catch additions over Normal living guidelines. It may be unreliable should look at the term of a medieval above all else to that of a up to date specialist. However it will be Practically Similarly as was troublesome should place a amount once the extent to which preferred will be a purchaser crate that incorporates cell phones and music streaming on you quit offering on that one loaded for fax machines and audio-cassettes. 

Source:: The Economist

Sunday 24 January 2016

Is "Naagin's" TRP Riding on the BARC "Rural Data"?

The Recent trend in the GEC soap's is taking us back the the mythological root and the fairly tales of the society. Where the digital media is taking over the Metros and Tier 1 cities, it is very important for Television Media to reach new markets. The industry needs more data, to solve the audience measurement equations and put capitalize the market opportunities. 

With advent of Direct Broadcast Satellite in the Rural Areas, the penetration of Television has penetrated more, not only in numbers but also in the Psychic of the rural audience. The next phase of televison rating points will be hugely influenced by the Rural Audience. 

So at this senerio, soaps like Naagin and Mahabharat is bound to take a leap and cater the viewers detached from the Digital Gaints like youtube, Netflix and Hotstars of the world.  

Broadcast Audience Research Council (BARC) India released its 'All India data' which also includes, for the first time, ratings from rural India.

With the new ratings, BARC India has increased its reach to 153.5 million TV households, 77.5 million urban and 76 million rural, spanning megacities, 10-75 lakh towns, less than 10 lakh urban areas and rural areas.

BARC's survey shows that rural audience spends less time watching television and the younger audience is constituted of age group 15-40 years. Since the rural population begins and ends its day early, the conventional definition of prime time doesn't apply.

Needless to say, it is devoted audience such as this that has catapulted Naagin to the number one show on Hindi general entertainment channels (GECs). The serial on the snake-woman has audiences in the Hindi-speaking markets hooked, making it the most-watched show on Hindi GECs.

Telecast on Colors every weekend (Saturday and Sunday), it had a total viewership of 19.8 million during the 2-8 January week, according to BARC India ratings. This was way ahead of its immediate competitor—Kumkum Bhagya on Zee TV that runs from Monday to Saturday. Colors is owned by Viacom18, a part of Network 18 Media and Investments Ltd.

With the captivating story of icchhadhari naagins (female snakes who can take human form at will), Ekta Kapoor, the promoter of Balaji Telefilms that has produced the show, has got her mojo back. Together with the Colors programming team, she has once again cast her magic spell, similar to the one that had pushed Star Plus to the top rank 15 years ago.

Today, Colors is the number one Hindi entertainment channel and it has been so in both the urban and rural markets for the last four weeks. Raj Nayak, chief executive of Colors, admits that Naagin has a big role to play in driving the channel to the top slot, although that is not the only show responsible for its recent success. To be sure, the channel has built a strong line-up of fiction shows and “layered it with cutting edge non-fiction programming”, he claims.

Colors’ programming head Manisha Sharma had been keen to make Naagin for a year. Nayak says that Colors ideated with Kapoor as she was best suited to deliver on a subject like this “and the rest is what you see on TV”. What worked for the show is its pace, storytelling, casting and the graphics, he says.

Why Naagin is a stupendous success is easy to see. First, Colors could not have picked a story with greater mass appeal than one of icchhadhari naagins. Besides, the story itself is intriguing, with all the elements—revenge, love, hate and suspense—required for a potboiler thrown in. The plot has two naagins who are out to avenge their parents’ murder. It is the Indian housewife’s Twilight Zone, says Mythili Chandrasekar, national planning director at J Walter Thompson in Delhi. (A psychological thriller, The Twilight Zone was an American television drama series comprising science fiction and fantasy.)

To be sure, the snake is a deep-rooted symbol in the country’s mythology and currently Indian television is swarming with mythological tales—be it Siya Ke Ram, Sankatmochan Mahabali Hanuman or Santoshi Maa. In the past, cinema has also presented snake-based stories as a concoction of folklore, horror and emotional drama. Harmesh Malhotra’s 1986 film Nagina, featuring Sridevi and Rishi Kapoor, was a blockbuster hit. While most serials on Hindi television are all about family politics, in Naagin mythology meets family politics meets The Vampire Diaries!

Clearly, there is an element of mystery and curiosity attached to stories of icchadhari naagins. While most of us have grown up watching, listening to or reading such stories, media magnifies such ideas, making people watch the serials with greater excitement. That is not all. According to Sanjay Chugh, a senior consultant psychiatrist, revenge, hate, jealousy, cruelty and aggression are some emotions that people often suppress as it is considered “wrong” to feel them, let alone express them. “TV shows where actors display these ‘prohibited’ emotions so blatantly, perhaps serve as an outlet for us to give way to those feelings. That’s why people probably get glued to them,” he says.

Besides television viewers are constantly looking for offbeat entertainment and make-believe stories as life is packed with the daily stress of work, family, children, commutes, deadlines and other pressures.

Chugh says that all of us seek some relief even if it means travelling to a world of make-believe for a few hours where one gets temporarily disconnected from real-life drama.

Television has already reached the late majority stage in the mature markets. So, let time decide the speed digital penetrates in the rural markets of India. Till, then let industry reap the benefits of BARC's "Rural Data". 

Source: Livemint. Adweek. 

Wednesday 20 January 2016

Snapchat: Advertisement with an Expiry date

Snapchat took the social media world by storm. It was embraced by the digitally savvy users and thousands, more like millions of photos, videos and drawings are sent monthly. It was a ‘given’ that brands and businesses would start embracing the app as well. If you have never heard of Snapchat, it is a video/photo messaging app that allows users to take pictures, record videos, add text to images and send them to one of their contacts.
Very few brands have used Snapchat as a marketing medium, but in 2016 you won’t be able to ignore it. The hook is the time limit to content and the expiration date. You can create integrated marketing campaigns that offer exclusive content to the younger generation, which is quite difficult to do. Create teasers for upcoming products/services either with photos or videos that only exist for a few seconds. This creates an exclusivity to your campaigns, which users love.
The key takeaway here is that real-time marketing is becoming more and more popular, and companies need to create platforms which allows users to be a part of the experience, not just experiencing it. "If you want to speak to a millennial audience, hire millennials to create the content for you," said Jason Peterson, chief creative officer at Havas North America. "Snapchat is the immediate future for reaching our consumers, [and] whether or not our clients are ready for it, we want to be ready for it."
Just like Facebook and Twitter before it, Snapchat has faced the question, “Is this really a place where we can reach our target consumers?” And just as with the other social giants, marketers will come to understand that Snapchat isn’t just a tool for some fun “marketing experiments.” It’s a platform that users are flocking to, in order to digest social media in real-time.
‘Real-time’ is the key phrase in that last sentence. Since the inception of social media marketing, brands and agencies have been searching for the best methods to deliver integrated campaigns that make constituents feel connected and an important key to keeping the younger generation of consumers interested is by offering exclusive content that has an expiration date. As we all know, there’s no longer room for “one size fits all” marketing tactics. Snapchat is the ultimate platform for making consumers feel connected and at the same time, unique.
To date, the approach to a Snapchat communication strategy has been as elusive as a Snap itself. There have been only a few examples of successful campaigns so far, and many digitally fluent brands are still struggling to find relevance on the channel. Dozens more are aimlessly flocking in, and the rest remain on the sidelines.The recent informal announcement of ads and discovery, however, means more brands should be paying attention. While the demographics still skew young (81% under the age of 25; 50% under 17), the user base continues to rapidly grow past 30 million and can no longer be ignored. For many brands it’s officially the next frontier and the key to reaching Generation Z.
Snapchat’s core philosophy is “delete is our default.” No surprises there. For the most successful accounts on the platform, however – celebrities, Snapchat personalities, entertainment brands, and many publishers as well – the best content strategy is clear: offer users VIP access, behind the scenes content, and slice-of-life vignettes. Humor also never hurts. The blanket term for this is “exclusive content.” It’s important to note, however, the difference between providing unique content between a brand’s social channels, and truly exclusive content. This distinction is key. It’s the difference between a series of doodles and access backstage to a concert. It’s also the difference between a video-of-a-video simply for the sake of posting, and an intimate glimpse of your favorite NFL team’s huddle minutes before kickoff. 
Snapchat, with its 100 million daily users, is expected to have its IPO in 2016, just four years after launching its ephemeral app. So it has taken CEO Evan Spiegel half the time to get to the same chronological spot where Facebook chief Mark Zuckerberg stood in 2012 when he took his site public during its eighth year.
"Snapchat's major advantage is that it's entirely rooted in the user behavior and values of a digitally native demographic, not in those of a demo who started using social media in college," noted Topher Burns, group director, distribution strategy at Deep Focus. "It understands how they want to share and consume content, what they're comfortable divulging, and how to appeal to their interests."
While industry observers have been wowed by the timeline (see details below) on which Snapchat's ascent has occurred, they still want to see more marketing tools. Here's an agency wish list:

Thursday 11 December 2014

When India Comes first

India First” is a relevant idea in the present scenario of 21st century, where India is not only a secluded concept, but rather a global one. Since 1991, when our economy opened up and assumed more global dimensions, as we graduated towards a free market society, the relevant social question of sacrificing our national interests for materialistic concerns has found a place in skeptical minds. As a direct fallout of the change, traditionally a culturally sensitive nation, India today faces the challenge of obliteration of its very concept. In this present age of capitalism, of rat-race for profit and individual needs, the question of whether India would survive bears significant proportion. Equally, in the bureaucratic framework, the problem of corruption lingers, which is the worst example of fulfilling individual aspirations at the stake of interest of our nation, where people still hardly manage two square meals a day! In this scenario, it is imperative that we address these concerns as soon as possible, so that India, as an entity can express itself independently to the changing world. This can only be achieved if people put aside their own aspirations that come in the way of the collective prosperity and growth of the country.
India has been a source of inspiration to the rest of the world, since time immemorial. Civilization in India dates back to 1700 B.C, the Indus valley civilization, when most people of the world were still nomads. Indians of that time had knowledge of urban planning, sanitation system, engineered metallurgy, and lived as a peaceful egalitarian society. Thus the Indus valley civilization left behind a legacy of knowledge and an era of arts, science, engineering and peaceful co-existence which manifested in culturally rich inventions. The digit zero and the numbering system, the decimal system, algebra, trigonometry and calculus, chess, the game of snakes and ladders, the value of “pi” are only a few in the count. Charaka, the father of medicine, practised medicine 2500 years ago. Ayurveda is the earliest literature of medicine known to mankind. The Aryans, the Guptas and the Mauryas left behind a culturally rich nation of non-violence and penchant for music, architecture, sculptures and painting superfluous with wealth, trade with foreign countries and overall a happy life. Due to its wealth, India has attracted foreigners, through her history. Persian invasion in 500 BC showed the way which was followed by the Greeks, the Turks, the Mughals, the Portuguese, the Dutch , the French and finally the English, who ruled for around 200 years. India, during these periods, was mostly ruled by selfish kingdoms under rival chiefs and rulers. Never united as they were, intruders took the best advantage of the situation and continued to plunder her wealth. Indians remained dumb and blind to these external aggressions. The freedom movement paved the way for building a united nation out of India. However, differences still exist amongst ourselves, we still prioritize region and language over the nation which has led to the continual fragmentation of the nation. Demand for more states keep arising time and again, from all corners of the country. Until and unless we imbibe the spirit of “being Indian” and put the nation ahead of all such differences, India will surely revert to its old self, a mere cluster of small states fighting against each other. Such social divisions made by ourselves need to be abolished. Or it won’t take long for another British Empire to crack us down. In such a situation, what more can we expect, except that we will be plunged in everlasting slavery.
Since our independence in 1947, we have seen a shift in India’s population patterns. The post-independence industrialization of various cities led to the migration of people of various linguistic groups from relatively rural areas. This led to conflicts between various groups for reasons ranging from accommodation to cultural xenophobia. The regionalist identities were given preference over the fact that they were after all, Indians. Mention may be made of Mumbai, then Bombay, where in the post-British era, speedy industrialization led to the influx of people from rural Maharashtra, the South and places like Uttar Pradesh and Bihar. This unprecedented inflow led to the problem of accommodation, and this gradually took the shape of one of the worst linguistic conflicts in this country. The reason was simple, people were exerting their linguistic authority, in a country where the Constitution has provided rights for Indians to settle anywhere across the State. On similar lines, communal riots have occurred regularly since Independence. The post-partition riots, anti-Sikh riots, post-Babri riots, and riots in Gujarat have been a blot on our collective conscience. What we cannot envisage is the communal disharmony and religious discrimination that infiltrates into the society defying all norms of humanity. Religious fanaticism receiving priority over Indian identity have created these indelible blemishes on our history. This is in direct confrontation with the secular ideals of the Constitution, where we have pledged to profess ideals of Justice, Liberty, Equality and Fraternity. It seems that these words have been confined to the pages of the Constitution, and have not been reflected in the hearts and minds of people. Until and unless we put India first over our alignment to petty interests, we will continue to tarnish the image of such a glorious and prospective civilization in front of the world to who we present ourselves as a nation where “Unity in Diversity” exists.
The problems of a caste-based feudal framework that crept into the Indian social structure that existed since earlier times, and which assumed more dangerous proportions in the medieval ages, has also left our society fractured. This mindset is still prevalent in all Indian states, specially the states like Uttar Pradesh, Bihar etc., and even states like Tamil Nadu in the South. Reservation for lower castes is one issue, where politicians have made every effort to pursue their own filthy political interests rather than trying to solve the issue. This age-old mindset has to be done away with, if we desire to put Indian first, and fit the credentials of being the largest democracy in the world. People in India still vote putting casteist interests before national interests.
On the other hand, the slave mentality seems to be ingrained in our very system that is direct fallout of a thousand years of serfdom to intruders, who either plundered or reigned in Indian Territory. There is a lack of participatory democracy, in the sense that we always wait for development to come from a handful of leaders, rather than participating selflessly in the democratic process. Indians, after Independence, sometimes appear to be more aware of their rights than their duties. Again, the development paradigm has also undergone a shift in the sense that everything that is Western is deemed better and fashionable, and Western ideas, as solution to unique problems of the Indian nation, are taken for granted.
India, the land of the martyrs who have embraced the gallows for their ideals, where every drop in the freedom fighter’s blood has fought not for itself but for the nation, has today become indigent instead of indigenous of ‘patriotism’. Patriotism in India needs to be revived and redefined.
We all probably remember patriotism when there is an Indo-Pak cricket match. But we definitely forget it when we cast our vote in the elections, when a week long hungry beggar asks for a rupee, when we shamelessly throw garbage on the roads and yet so many times more. Patriotism is observed as nothing else than the ‘pain on the prick of a pin’. It is rather believed to be a formality, a formality of saluting the national flag and 52 seconds of freeze stature during the national anthem. May be even a frozen heart with no gratitude for the martyrs because of whom we are living off so well.
Putting India first means persuasion of small things and actions with a notion of doing good to other countrymen. India is what Indians are, and what we make of our motherland. In the present world, strengthening of India’s social structure is very essential to thwart any attempts by external elements to destabilize the equilibrium of India. We should realize that “Unity is Strength”. It would be unfair to say that Indians do not have any patriotic feelings. During Kargil War, the entire nation stood as a whole to support our jawans who laid down their lives, defending every inch of Indian Territory. Why should always wait for another attack on Parliament or another Kasab to arise the patriotism in us? Can we not strengthen ourselves for the sake of our motherland? It is not as if the picture is bleak. There is a silver lining in the cloud. The same nation, where riots broke out post 1992 Babri demolition, accepted the judgement on Ayodhya peacefully. The country now needs a move-on, but keeping in mind our unique identity, philosophy, and self-dependence. Total peace and prosperity is however a misnomer. Still, we need to invigorate ourselves, and incessantly strive towards peace and prosperity of the nation. Only by putting national interests ahead of our self-interest and differences that exist among ourselves, can we fulfill the dream of the living legend, Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam of living in a developed India by 2020.As Abraham Lincoln said, “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.”

Monday 8 December 2014

7 deadliest crimes in Engineering Colleges

#1:: Coz you won' be spared on your Day!!

#2:: This can literally get you chocked to death

#3:: They literally know the Theory of Everything!!

#4:: You don't realize this until your final year!!

#5:: And then this makes you feel good about the bitter truth of #4

#6:: Be it Ganesh Chaturthi or College Rock Fest. You just need an excuse to get high!

#7:: You will surely be outlawed for this

If you manage to get away with these you had the most amazing moments, But if you are guilty of  any of these, you had the most amazing experiences. Hope you understand that!!

Tuesday 18 November 2014

Amar Nizor Startup!

I literally believe only thing that is left in "Earth" without "Art" is "Eh....". As Angel Haze rightly says , "The true artistic expression lies in conveying emotions", art and expression go hand in hand. There was an Era where art was appreciated, but today is the era where art is marketed, bargained and sold out. 
Every dream needs a canvas, for Beethoven the canvas was silence, for Shakespeare it was the stage and for Maharnav Gogoi and team from Guwahati,  it's their plain blank Tee shirts, where they narrate stories. The busy G.S Road, Guwahati is the habitat of these artistic goons. Currently a part of three independent startups, they are our very own creative krantikaris whose story deserves to be told and heard.

Maharnav, has he introduces himself, is a serial entrepreneur, a top-notch quizzer and a friend to almost everyone he comes across!! Joining him is his College junior Jayanta, and together they created NEway Ventures. NEway ventures has three subsidiaries, Poptales, SevenTales and Get your ID.

Poptales (  grew in very much line of a Online store which dealt in Caricatured Tees . They took it a step forward to open out retail outlets for the same. Though Poptales was not a new concept in India, their Marketing strategies nailed it, making them a forerunner in North-East India's T-shirt business. Seeing the rising demand of Folk centric  attire, they intelligently launched SevenTales, a whole new brand specially designed  to cater the market of North-East folk endorsed Caricatured Tees.  They started operating both offline (With Store outlets) and online (through E-commerce) and within a year Poptales & SevenTales managed to make a stark appeal to  it "100% POP-CULTURE" Fans. From the house of NEways also come out Get Your Id, which deals in bulk customized merchandise.  

In a age where North-East is facing Individuality crisis in Pan India, these artistic goons are giving us chance to celebrate our individuality. Guwahati is definitely not a start-up friendly city, but their steps is definitely turning. They have understood the rule of the game, Bigger the Challenges, Better is the opportunity. 

Thank you for reading!! Leave your valuable comments below. 

If you got a story to tell, an idea to share, you are most welcome to get connected to me HERE

Celebrate the Creative Revolution with The Creative Krantikari!!

Monday 17 November 2014

The Poetess with a Guitar....

She came, she played and she won our hearts. Our Lady is unrestricted, fearless, passionate and a mistress of small strings. Musicians are the smartest creature alive, and when you see someone like Arabhy Surendran, you really believe it. In a short period of Joining the legend Baiju Dharmajan in his alternate project, she has evolved herself to a poet with her fingers rhyming themselves with the guitar creating magic. 

Success doesn't come to wannabes. The instance of people, citing  Indian Education (Specially Engineering) to be a big deterrent to creativity has been recited numerous times. But this girl proves it all wrong. With her "cut the crap & go get it" attitude she is an inspiration for all. Her story is totally that of a Motivational Bollywood drama 

Her childhood was as normal as ours, with big dreams to conquer the universe , to be an Aerospace engineer, to be  a rockstar on stage. Just dreams of normal kid. But what individualized her was that she was a performer. You see rare examples of people who actually accomplished their childhood dreams. Arabhy is one of this rarest kind who did it all right. 

"I always wanted to perform for massive crowds.. and I always wanted to become an aerospace engineer. I made these 2 choices from the start. No going back in either. Since 10 years old I've been dreaming of both" says Arabhy, when asked about her childhood aspirations. A average grade, with 4 placement offers will be a dream run for any engineering grad, but not her. She chose to fulfill her creative appetite and rejected her job offers. She is now pursuing her Masters , so that she can develop herself in Aerodynamics design and also joined Baiju Dharmajan Syndicate to live her dreams. She actually teaches us the values of being focused and hardworking. 

"Arabhy" her name, literally implies to a Raga, a Emotion associated is devotion(Not that she has anything to do with it). Her music journey began very much for the love of Marlin Manson. The abstract music of GnR, Pantera, Megadeth, Sum41,and specially Pink Floyd (Yeah!! she is a Floyd fan too) managed to influence her at a very early age. Her 1st stage performance was when she was 8th garder and that too a guitar solo.   But the most interesting part remains, she is a self-taught guitarist. Yes, you read that right!! This ardent instrumentalist learned all the guitar she knows by herself. 

"Well parents always against this. I keep them at bay because I'm studying too. Crisis was mainly either insults or over praising because of my gender. And getting along with people in general because of tastes. My friends are not fans of metal or rock . More like disco heads. So we keep fighting all the time . You know how defensive we get when someone calls metal noise." she continues her narration with that undying zeal in her.

"Log kya kahenge" , "fitting into Society" , "Parent's complains" blah blah blah... these excuses ain't for her, as she is braving almost anything, but not compromising her passions.

When asked about the reason for her inclination towards Rock, she replies "Well we are very averse to rules and regulations. And the majority of people who are on the scene are youngsters. Rebellion is in everyone's head . Let it be for the right or wrong. rock kinda fuels this. A carefree state of being at all times. Rock was a revolution and a culture because it set everyone free." Now that is something arguable.

So what should a engineer do to be successful, to be known, to be self-satisfied?

Arabhy has got a simple answer " Do Whatever floats your boat"

Thank you for reading!! Leave your valuable comments below. 

If you got a story to tell, a idea to share you are most welcome to get connected to me 

Celebrate the Creative Revolution with The Creative Krantikari!!